Friday, March 1, 2013

Weigh Day Friday - Week 9 of 52

Happy March! I think from these numbers it is easy to see I'm kind of stuck in plateausville! This week I didn't consistently keep track of my calories but I didn't go nuts or anything and I know I was well within my range. I am hoping that some weight training will help get me out of this slump so I started Tank Top Arms March today. 

Highest weight: 265
Goal weight: 150-160

Week #9 (3/1) - 238.6
Week #8 (2/22) - 238.6
Week #7 (2/15) - 240.8
Week #6 (2/8) - 238.8
Week #5 (2/1) - 238.6 
Week #4 (1/25) - 242.0
Week #3 (1/18) - 241.8
Week #2 (1/11) - 242.2
Week #1 (1/4) - 241

Loss this week = 0
Total loss = 26.4 pounds

I REALLY REALLY want to get out of the 230s! I definitely wouldn't have thought it would have only lost 2.4 pounds in 9 weeks! Not sure what else to do that I am not. Eventually I guess it will catch up with me! 

Until later, happy living!


  1. I hope you get out of the plateau soon!

  2. the body is a hard thing to understand sometimes. remind yourself you are doing this for life, and that if you maintain good habits, the weight will come off. you've come so far in terms of your fitness and mental changes, you've made a lot of progress, the scale is only part of the story.

  3. Girl, I'm right there with you, but I KNOW what I'm doing. This week has been really crazy & I have hardly tracked my calories at all! I'm just thankful at this point that I've maintained, but I defintely have to get back on track TODAY!! We can do this.

  4. Hi Jamie! You will break this plateau...keep an open mind, repeat what you are doing, and just keep on keepin' on!!! YOU WILL DO IT!! Are you by any chance on My Fitness Pal? If you are, I was wondering if you would like to be friends for support?? I am a 42 yr-old female from Alberta, CANADA - just getting into running and "starting over" AGAIN...but for the last time ;) on a healthy living journey!
