Sunday, October 14, 2012

10K Training progress...weeks 11 and 12

OK, I hoped to be more consistent but that didn't happen! At least this past week I had a nasty cold as an excuse.

Sunday 9/30 - 7.19 mile walk with Jenny in our neighborhood (125 minutes) @17:23 pace.

Wednesday 10/3 - 4.85 mile walk/run with Jenn and Jenny by school (82 minutes) @16:49 pace.

Saturday 10/6 - Beach Dash 5K - run/walk on the beach with obstacles (56 minutes) @18:04 pace.

Monday 10/8 - 4.27 mile walk/run in my neighborhood (68 minutes) @15:49 pace.

Saturday 10/13 - 4.37 mile walk/run with Jenn in my neighborhood (78 minutes) @17:39 pace.

I'm really hoping that my cold will go away by Monday or Tuesday because the Toughtest 10K in Galveston in Saturday and I'm going to be beyond upset if I can't do it.

Until later, happy running!

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